Will Smith To Eminem “You’ll Either Be The Biggest Flop, Or The Biggest…”

Will Smith To Eminem “You’ll Either Be The Biggest Flop, Or The Biggest…”

In his Һit song “The Real Slim Shady,” Eminem raps about Will Smith in the second verse. Have you ever noticed this? “F*ck Will Smith; he doesn’t need to swear to sell records—well, I do. And f*ck you as well. There might be more to the song’s lyrics than just criticism of Gangsta Rap and profanity, which were created in reaction to Smith’s 1998 Grammy speech as an emcee turned actor.

Jeff surmises, “It was so outrageous,” referencing Em’s song about being by himself with his daughter after his wife was abducted and killed. The director of A Touch Of Jazz Productions looks over the answer sixteen years later. “I suppose everyone will just think you’re so insаne, therefore you’re going to be the biggest fail. Or you’re just a suρer genius, and it paid off to be that way.

Jazzy DJ Jeff disclosed that in the late 1990s, Will provided Eminem with some feedback. In the most recent Montreal Interview “I was a big fan of Eminem, especially of his suρer early stuff,” Jazzy declares. We engaged in several activities together after I kind of reached out to him. I believe I played “Just the Two of Us” as Will Smith entered the room. After hearing it, Will turned to Eminem and declared, “You are going to be the biggest thing in hip-hop history, or you are going to be the biggest flop.” Eminem never forgot that, either.

He dismisses that kind of nonsense. Oddly enough, I ended up deejaying at a Detroit Em event. And as I entered, he kind of approached me and said, “He wasn’t angry when I said that stuff about Will?” “Nah, he doesn’t care about that stuff,” I remarked.

It’s interesting to note that three years later, Jeff was contacted by Montreality regarding Will’s lyrics in his Һit song. Regarding the Fresh Prince’s “f**k you,” Jeff responds, “He just brushes that kind of stuff off.” Oddly enough, I ended up deejaying at a Detroit Em event. And as I entered, he kind of approached me and said, “He wasn’t angry when I said that stuff about Will?” “Nah, he doesn’t care about that stuff,” I remarked. “That was just me sticking up for [Dr.] Dre and that point in time,” Eminem continued. When Smith gave the well-known Grammy speech, Dr. Dre, a cornerstone of Gangsta Rap since the mid-1980s with N.W.A., was present.

During the session, DJ Jazzy also discusses how he introduced Will Smith to Detroit Rapper in 1998 and how Will responded to Shady’s dissing of him.